Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacterial Strains Isolated from Soils of Andean Ecosystems and Their Potential Use in Nitrogen Reduction


Salazar Jazmin M.12ORCID,Calle Jessica1,Pereira Steeven1,Cordero Paula1ORCID,Matovelle Carlos13ORCID


1. Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Vía a Bibin, Cuenca 010102, Ecuador

2. Laboratorio de Microbiología, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Vía a Bibin, Cuenca 010102, Ecuador

3. Laboratorio Hydrolab, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Vía a Bibin, Cuenca 010102, Ecuador


Nitrification is part of the nitrogen cycle that occurs naturally in ecosystems. It is related to the presence of microorganisms and their metabolism, especially bacteria, which are involved in oxidizing compounds such as NH4+ and NO2− to NO3−. In this study, we evaluated the nitrification potential in 12 bacteria strains that belong to the genera Aeromonas, Bacillus, Buttiauxella, Mycobacterium, Paenibacillus, Serratia, and Yersenia, which are part of the cultivable microbial community from soil in a native forest and pine forest in The Labrado area within the Machangara micro-watershed in the Andes located in the south of Ecuador. This investigation aims to identify heterotrophic and lithoautotrophic strains using specific culture media for ammonium oxidative (AOL-AOH) and nitrate oxidation bacteria (ONL-ONH). The formation of nitrifying halos in the culture media allowed the identification of 10 strains with nitrifying potential. Five strains were from the pine forest, four were isolated from the native forest, and one strain was shared between both forests. The Serratia and Yersinia genera have a high NO2− oxidation capacity. Their inoculation in synthetic water rich in nitrogenous products allowed us to determine 40% and 94% nitrite reduction percentages and cell retention times of 20 to 40 days. Our results are promising for their possible potential use in environmental bioremediation processes through inoculation in wastewater for the biological removal of nitrogenous compounds.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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