Assessing Efficiency in Artificial Neural Networks


Schaub Nicholas J.12,Hotaling Nathan12


1. National Center for Advancing Translational Science, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, MD 20850, USA

2. Axle Research and Technology, Rockville, MD 20850, USA


The purpose of this work was to develop an assessment technique and subsequent metrics that help in developing an understanding of the balance between network size and task performance in simple model networks. Here, exhaustive tests on simple model neural networks and datasets are used to validate both the assessment approach and the metrics derived from it. The concept of neural layer state space is introduced as a simple mechanism for understanding layer utilization, where a state is the on/off activation state of all neurons in a layer for an input. Neural efficiency is computed from state space to measure neural layer utilization, and a second metric called the artificial intelligence quotient (aIQ) was created to balance neural network performance and neural efficiency. To study aIQ and neural efficiency, two simple neural networks were trained on MNIST: a fully connected network (LeNet-300-100) and a convolutional neural network (LeNet-5). The LeNet-5 network with the highest aIQ was 2.32% less accurate but contained 30,912 times fewer parameters than the network with the highest accuracy. Both batch normalization and dropout layers were found to increase neural efficiency. Finally, networks with a high aIQ are shown to be resistant to memorization and overtraining as well as capable of learning proper digit classification with an accuracy of 92.51%, even when 75% of the class labels are randomized. These results demonstrate the utility of aIQ and neural efficiency as metrics for determining the performance and size of a small network using exemplar data.




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

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