RBS Channeling MATLAB Application for Automated Measurement Control and Evaluation for 6MV Tandetron Accelerator


Stremy MaximilianORCID,Horvath Dusan,Vana Dusan,Kebisek MichalORCID,Gaspar GabrielORCID,Bezak Pavol,Riedlmajer Robert


Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) in channeling regimes (RBS/C), as an ion beam analysis method performed on a Tandetron 6MV accelerator, generally gives precise information about the structure of crystalline samples by combining RBS signals in the random and aligned configurations. This paper presents details about the design and implementation of tailored RBS/C measurements (coarse and fine) and data evaluation application developed in MATLAB for in situ accelerator control system ARGUS, delivered by High Voltage Engineering Europa BV (HVEE). Additionally, we examined two different ways of stepping during the measurement to reduce the possible inaccuracies related with goniometer’s backslash affecting the evaluation of spectra. Verification experiment was carried out using a 2-MeV 4He+-beam directed on a Si (100) substrate. The channeling effect is seen as channeling dips of a lower signal in an otherwise rather homogeneous plane. Implemented application significantly facilitates the RBS/C measurement and analysis of the experiments, and also extends the ion beam analysis portfolio of Advanced Technologies Research Institute. Finally, software is ready-to-use for any Tandetron based ion beam facility with the ARGUS software for accelerator control.


Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slo-vak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

Reference22 articles.

1. Backscattering Spectrometry;Chu,1978

2. Materials Analysis by Ion Channeling: Submicron Crystallography;Feldman,1982

3. A geometric procedure for improved Rutherford backscattering channeling analysis of materials

4. A study of small impact parameter ion channeling effects in thin crystals

5. Automatic Beam Alignment for Channeling Measurements in Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry;Yamamoto,1981

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