Identifying the Growth Status of Hydroponic Lettuce Based on YOLO-EfficientNet


Wang Yidong1,Wu Mingge1ORCID,Shen Yunde1


1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, China


Hydroponic lettuce was prone to pest and disease problems after transplantation. Manual identification of the current growth status of each hydroponic lettuce not only consumed time and was prone to errors but also failed to meet the requirements of high-quality and efficient lettuce cultivation. In response to this issue, this paper proposed a method called YOLO-EfficientNet for identifying the growth status of hydroponic lettuce. Firstly, the video data of hydroponic lettuce were processed to obtain individual frame images. And 2240 images were selected from these frames as the image dataset A. Secondly, the YOLO-v8n object detection model was trained using image dataset A to detect the position of each hydroponic lettuce in the video data. After selecting the targets based on the predicted bounding boxes, 12,000 individual lettuce images were obtained by cropping, which served as image dataset B. Finally, the EfficientNet-v2s object classification model was trained using image dataset B to identify three growth statuses (Healthy, Diseases, and Pests) of hydroponic lettuce. The results showed that, after training image dataset A using the YOLO-v8n model, the accuracy and recall were consistently around 99%. After training image dataset B using the EfficientNet-v2s model, it achieved excellent scores of 95.78 for Val-acc, 94.68 for Test-acc, 96.02 for Recall, 96.32 for Precision, and 96.18 for F1-score. Thus, the method proposed in this paper had potential in the agricultural application of identifying and classifying the growth status in hydroponic lettuce.




Plant Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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