Data Modifications in Blockchain Architecture for Big-Data Processing


Tulkinbekov Khikmatullo1,Kim Deok-Hwan1ORCID


1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea


Due to the immutability of blockchain, the integration with big-data systems creates limitations on redundancy, scalability, cost, and latency. Additionally, large amounts of invaluable data result in the waste of energy and storage resources. As a result, the demand for data deletion possibilities in blockchain has risen over the last decade. Although several prior studies have introduced methods to address data modification features in blockchain, most of the proposed systems need shorter deletion delays and security requirements. This study proposes a novel blockchain architecture called Unlichain that provides data-modification features within public blockchain architecture. To achieve this goal, Unlichain employed a new indexing technique that defines the deletion time for predefined lifetime data. The indexing technique also enables the deletion possibility for unknown lifetime data. Unlichain employs a new metadata verification consensus among full and meta nodes to avoid delays and extra storage usage. Moreover, Unlichain motivates network nodes to include more transactions in a new block, which motivates nodes to scan for expired data during block mining. The evaluations proved that Unlichain architecture successfully enables instant data deletion while the existing solutions suffer from block dependency issues. Additionally, storage usage is reduced by up to 10%.


National Research Foundation of Korea

Inha University




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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