Rapid Analysis of Soil Organic Carbon in Agricultural Lands: Potential of Integrated Image Processing and Infrared Spectroscopy


Senevirathne Nelundeniyage Sumuduni L.1,Ahamed Tofael2


1. Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan

2. Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan


The significance of soil in the agricultural industry is profound, with healthy soil representing an important role in ensuring food security. In addition, soil is the largest terrestrial carbon sink on earth. The soil carbon pool is composed of both inorganic and organic forms. The equilibrium of the soil carbon pool directly impacts the carbon cycle via all of the other processes on the planet. With the development of agricultural systems from traditional to conventional ones, and with the current era of precision agriculture, which involves making decisions based on information, the importance of understanding soil is becoming increasingly clear. The control of microenvironment conditions and soil fertility represents a key factor in achieving higher productivity in these systems. Furthermore, agriculture represents a significant contributor to carbon emissions, a topic that has become timely given the necessity for carbon neutrality. In addition to these concerns, updating soil-related data, including information on macro and micronutrient conditions, is important. Carbon represents one of the major nutrients for crops and plays a key role in the retention and release of other nutrients and the management of soil physical properties. Despite the importance of carbon, existing analytical methods are complex and expensive. This discourages frequent analyses, which results in a lack of soil carbon-related data for agricultural fields. From this perspective, in situ soil organic carbon (SOC) analysis can provide timely management information for calibrating fertilizer applications based on the soil–carbon relationship to increase soil productivity. In addition, the available data need frequent updates due to rapid changes in ecosystem services and the use of extensive fertilizers and pesticides. Despite the importance of this topic, few studies have investigated the potential of image analysis based on image processing and spectral data recording. The use of spectroscopy and visual color matching to develop SOC predictions has been considered, and the use of spectroscopic instruments has led to increased precision. Our extensive literature review shows that color models, especially Munsell color charts, are better for qualitative purposes and that Cartesian-type color models are appropriate for quantification. Even for the color model, spectroscopy data could be used, and these data have the potential to improve the precision of measurements. On the other hand, mid-infrared radiation (MIR) and near-infrared radiation (NIR) diffuse reflection has been reported to have a greater ability to predict SOC. Finally, this article reports the availability of inexpensive portable instruments that can enable the development of in situ SOC analysis from reflection and emission information with the integration of images and spectroscopy. This integration refers to machine learning algorithms with a reflection-oriented spectrophotometer and emission-based thermal images which have the potential to predict SOC without the need for expensive instruments and are easy to use in farm applications.










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