Geodynamic ‘Hotspots’ in a Periglacial Landscape: Natural Hazards and Impacts on Productive Activities in Chilean Fjordlands, Northern Patagonia


Soto María-Victoria12ORCID,Arriagada-González Joselyn1,Molina-Benavides Martina3,Cabello Misael3ORCID,Contreras-Alonso Miguel1ORCID,Ibarra Ignacio1,Guevara Gabriela4ORCID,Sepúlveda Sergio A.256ORCID,Maerker Michael78


1. Department of Geography, University of Chile, Santiago 8331051, Chile

2. CITRID, Risk Reduction and Disaster Program, University of Chile, Satiago 8331051, Chile

3. Physical Geography Lab., Department of Geography, University of Chile, Satiago 8331051, Chile

4. Postgraduate School, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile, Satiago 8331051, Chile

5. Institute of Engineering Sciences, University of O’Higgins, Rancagua 2820000, Chile

6. Department of Geology, University of Chile, Satiago 8331051, Chile

7. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy

8. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Working Group on Soil Erosion and Feedbacks, Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany


In this paper, we study natural hazards and their potential impacts on productive activities in the Comau Fjord in Chilean Northern Patagonia. We carried out hazard mapping to identify areas with evidence of geomorphological activity on slopes in terms of landslides, river/tsunami flooding, and glacial retreat. The assessment of different geomorphic processes was carried out by both detailed fieldwork and analysis of satellite remote sensing and aerial photography information. We identified terrain units that are subject to multi-hazards overlapping different spatially distributed hazard maps. This information was overlaid with spatial data of economic activities in the area in order to establish the impacts of the natural hazards on the local salmon and mussel farming infrastructure (risk). The results suggest significant exposure levels for these productive activities and potential damage due to the occurrence of natural hazards. The extension of a major highway (CH-7 Austral Highway) on the east coast of the Comau Fjord will be a new incentive for economic development in the area. However, the highway construction sites show a high level of exposure to natural hazards, especially floodings and landslides. Our study highlights that the geohazard potential might have a high negative impact on future productive activity in the fjord as well as on the new highway infrastructure.






General Earth and Planetary Sciences







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