1. Laboratory of Manufacturing Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 157 80 Athens, Greece
2. Department of Manufacturing Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH University of Krakow, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Non-conventional machining processes offer significant advantages over conventional ones, especially in terms of the productivity, cost, and surface integrity of the produced parts due to their higher flexibility. Abrasive waterjet machining, in particular, constitutes an ecologically friendly process with a negligible thermal impact on a workpiece, and it has considerable capabilities for obtaining the desired outcome by regulating some of its numerous parameters. Among these parameters, the abrasive type is particularly important due to its hardness, mesh size, and shape, which lead to considerable deviations on the obtained depth, kerf characteristics, and productivity. Thus, in this work, a comprehensive comparison is conducted on the use of garnet and silicon carbide particles for the slot milling of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy under different conditions. The capabilities of both abrasive materials are evaluated by statistical analysis regarding the depth of penetration, kerf width, kerf taper angle, and material removal rate (MRR), which are obtained under the same process conditions. Finally, a multi-objective optimization based on grey relational analysis (GRA) is performed for several different practical cases. It was found that, although silicon carbide is more efficient in optimizing individual process outputs, the use of a garnet abrasive can lead to considerably better trade-offs between two or more objectives of the machining process.
General Materials Science