Craniofacial microsomia is a congenital deformity caused by asymmetric development of the skull (cranium) and face before birth. Current treatments include corrective surgery and replacement of the deformed structure using autograft tissue, which results in donor site morbidity. An alternative therapy can be achieved by developing a resorbable scaffold for skeletal muscle regeneration which will help restore the symmetry and function of the facial muscles and reduce donor site morbidity. Two resorbable weft knitted scaffolds were fabricated using poly(ε-caprolactone) multifilament yarns with unique auxetic design structures possessing negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR). These scaffolds exhibit their NPR elasticity through an increase in total volume as well as no lateral narrowing when stretched longitudinally, which can provide orientated mechanical supports to the cell growth of skeletal muscle regeneration. These scaffolds were evaluated for the required physical properties, mechanical performance and biocompatibility by culturing them with neonatal human dermal fibroblasts so as to determine their cell metabolic activity, cell attachment and proliferation. This study can facilitate the understanding and engineering of textile-based scaffolds for tissues/organs. The work also paves a pathway to emerge the NPR textiles into tissue engineering, which has an extensive potential for biomedical end-uses.
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13 articles.