Limiting the Use of Electromyography and Ground Reaction Force Data Changes the Magnitude and Ranking of Modelled Anterior Cruciate Ligament Forces


Nasseri Azadeh1ORCID,Akhundov Riad1ORCID,Bryant Adam L.2,Lloyd David G.1,Saxby David J.1ORCID


1. Griffith Centre of Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering (GCORE), Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Southport, QLD 4222, Australia

2. Centre for Health, Exercise & Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia


Neuromusculoskeletal models often require three-dimensional (3D) body motions, ground reaction forces (GRF), and electromyography (EMG) as input data. Acquiring these data in real-world settings is challenging, with barriers such as the cost of instruments, setup time, and operator skills to correctly acquire and interpret data. This study investigated the consequences of limiting EMG and GRF data on modelled anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) forces during a drop–land–jump task in late-/post-pubertal females. We compared ACL forces generated by a reference model (i.e., EMG-informed neural mode combined with 3D GRF) to those generated by an EMG-informed with only vertical GRF, static optimisation with 3D GRF, and static optimisation with only vertical GRF. Results indicated ACL force magnitude during landing (when ACL injury typically occurs) was significantly overestimated if only vertical GRF were used for either EMG-informed or static optimisation neural modes. If 3D GRF were used in combination with static optimisation, ACL force was marginally overestimated compared to the reference model. None of the alternative models maintained rank order of ACL loading magnitudes generated by the reference model. Finally, we observed substantial variability across the study sample in response to limiting EMG and GRF data, indicating need for methods incorporating subject-specific measures of muscle activation patterns and external loading when modelling ACL loading during dynamic motor tasks.


Griffith University’s Health Group Seed

Australian Research Council Linkage





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