Zhang Li,Liu Li,Zhao Han,Jiang Zaimin,Cai Jing
Carbon starvation and hydraulic failure are considered important factors in determining the mechanisms associated with tree mortality. In this study, iso/anisohydric classification was used to assess drought resistance and mortality mechanisms in two contrasting poplar species, as it is generally believed that isohydric species are more susceptible to carbon starvation, while anisohydric species are more susceptible to hydraulic failure. However, these assumptions are rarely tested in poplar genotypes with contrasting growth strategies. Thus, we subjected potted poplar genotypes (I-101 (Populus alba L.) × 84K (Populus alba L. × Populus glandulosa Uyeki)) with fast and slow growth rates to drought–rehydration treatments. The slow-growing genotype maintained higher stomatal conductance and lower predawn leaf water potential than the fast-growing genotype, thus exhibiting a near-anisohydric stomatal behavior throughout the treatment period. The nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) content indicated that the two genotypes had the same trend of carbon change (e.g., the NSC content in the leaves increased with drought and then decreased). However, when NSC content data were combined with the growth and photosynthetic data, it was observed that the slow-growing genotype mobilized carbon to maintain hydraulic safety, while the NSC content of the fast-growing genotype among tissues was static. The percent loss of hydraulic conductivity in the branches during treatments indicated that the fast-growing genotype could recover more quickly from xylem embolism than the slow-growing genotype. The slow-growing genotype with a slow growth recovery after rehydration showed a significant increase in carbon consumption, combined with a significant increase in the hydraulic safety threshold value, indicating that there may be drought tolerance. In comparison, the fast-growing genotype showed a faster hydraulic recovery ability that had no effect on the NSC content in the leaves and roots. Our findings demonstrate intraspecific isohydric behavior in poplar; however, the trade-off between carbon distribution and stomatal regulation should be considered separately within genotypes of the same species. In addition, NSC plays an important role in water–carbon balance in the drought–rehydration cycle.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
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10 articles.