Fioranelli Massimo,Sepehri Alireza,Roccia Maria Grazia,Beesham Aroonkumar,Flavin Dana
To date, it is known that tumor cells respond to attacks of T-cells by producing some PD-1/PD-L1 and other connections. Unfortunately, medical methods for preventing these connections are expensive and sometimes non-effective. In this study, we suggest a new way for reducing these connections by producing some noise in the exchanged information between tumor cells, T-cells, hemoglobin, and controller cells such as those of the heart or brain. In this model, we assume that human cells use spinor waves for exchanging information because the velocity of exchanged information between two spinors, which are located a large distance apart, exceeds the velocity of light. In fact, two spinors could send and receive information from each other instantaneously. In this hypothesis, the DNAs within heart cells, brain cells or any controller are built from some spinors such as electrons, and by their motion, some waves are generated. These spinor waves are received by iron atoms and multi-gonal molecules within hemoglobin and other spinors within the blood vessels. The hemoglobin molecules are located on some blood cells, move along the blood vessels and pass on their information to cells, proteins and RNAs. The spins of the spinors within the hemoglobin and also the spins of the charges and ions within the blood vessels are entangled and could transmit any information between cells. Thus, when a tumor is formed, its spinor waves change, and are transmitted rapidly into the heart cells, brain cells and other controller cells. The heart, brain or other controller cells diagnose these quantum waves, and by using the entanglement between the spinors within the blood vessels and the hemoglobin, send some messages to the T-cells. These messages are received by tumor cells and they become ready to respond to attacks. To prevent the reception of information by tumor cells, we can make use of some extra cells or hemoglobin, which interact with spinors and hemoglobin around tumor cells and produce some noise. Science quantum spinor waves are minute and have minor power and intensity; we cannot detect them by our present electronic devices and for this reason, we suggest using biological cells. This is a hypothesis; however, if experiments show its validity, some types of cancers could be cured or controlled by this method. We formulate the model by considering quantum entanglement between spinors within biological systems. By changing any spin within this system, all spins change and consequently, information is transmitted immediately. Then, we add new spinors to this system mathematically, and show that this causes the correlations between the initial spinors to reduce. Thus, the spinors of the extra hemoglobin or cells could act like noise, and prevent reception of real information by tumor cells.
General Mathematics,Engineering (miscellaneous),Computer Science (miscellaneous)