1. World Green Building Council (2020, December 16). New Report: The Building and Construction Sector Can Reach Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050. Available online: https://www.worldgbc.org/news-media/WorldGBC-embodied-carbon-report-published.
2. COP27 (2023, January 10). Homepage. Available online: https://cop27.eg/#/.
3. Climate Change Committee (2023, January 10). COP27: Key Outcomes and Next Steps for the UK. Available online: https://www.theccc.org.uk/publication/cop27-key-outcomes-and-next-steps-for-the-uk/.
4. SPECIFIC (2019, September 25). What Are Active Buildings?. Available online: httpwww.specific.eu.com/.
5. Clarke, J. (2022). Investigating and Developing Tools to Enable Adoption of the Active Building Concept for Low-Energy, Low-Carbon Buildings. [Ph.D. Thesis, Cardiff Metropolitan University].