Expanded Vermiculite: A Short Review about Its Production, Characteristics, and Effects on the Properties of Lightweight Mortars


Assis Neto Plínio Campos de1,Sales Leane Priscilla Bonfim2,Oliveira Palloma Karolayne Santos2,Silva Iranilza Costa da3,Barros Ilana Maria da Silva4,Nóbrega Aline Figueiredo da3,Carneiro Arnaldo Manoel Pereira1


1. Technology and Geosciences Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Campus Recife, Recife 50670-901, Brazil

2. Technology Center, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Paraíba, Campus João Pessoa, João Pessoa 58051-900, Brazil

3. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus Campina Grande, Campina Grande 58429-900, Brazil

4. Technology Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Natal, Natal 59078-970, Brazil


Global temperatures have led to an increasing need for air conditioning systems. So, because of this fact, buildings have been improved in terms of their thermal and energy efficiency. Regarding this, the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 15.575-4/2013 set minimum parameters for the thermal transmittance and thermal capacity of sealing elements, which allow classifying the thermal efficiency of the building. In order to comply with the requirements, the usage and study of lightweight construction materials have been in focus. An example of these materials is vermiculite. The present research reviewed articles about expanded vermiculite. The study involved the examination and comparison of various articles to analyze the properties of vermiculite and the impact of its usage on coating mortars. It was possible to verify that using vermiculite in mortars caused bad workability and a decrease in mechanical strength. However, the porosity and water absorption in mortars increased. Additionally, it reduced the specific weight and the thermal conductivity of the mortars, allowing for a better thermal insulation of the rooms. As an alternative to decreasing the negative effects of vermiculite, it is possible to use chemical admixtures, mineral additions, and mix design with a greater consumption of binder or a combination of particle sizes.




Building and Construction,Civil and Structural Engineering,Architecture

Reference67 articles.

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2. Energy Research Company (ERC) (2021, April 10). Brasília/DF, Available online: https://www.epe.gov.br/sites-pt/publicacoes-dados-abertos/publicacoes/PublicacoesArquivos/publicacao-341/NT%20EPE%20030_2018_18Dez2018.pdf.

3. Brazil (2021, April 15). Lei Federal Nº 10.295, de 17 de Outubro de 2001. Provides for the National Policy for Conservation and Rational Use of Energy and Makes Other Provisions, Available online: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/leis_2001/l10295.htm#:~:text=LEI%20No%2010.295%2C%20DE%2017%20DE%20OUTUBRO%20DE%202001.&text=Disp%C3%B5e%20sobre%20a%20Pol%C3%ADtica%20Nacional.

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