A Sustainable Evaluation Study Based on Emergy–Geographic Information System (GIS) Methodology in Hangzhou City from 2010 to 2035


Liu Lan1,Cai Runhui2,Zhang Junxue3


1. School of Architecture, Sanjiang University, Nanjing 210012, China

2. Yangzhou Survey Design Research Institute Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225000, China

3. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212100, China


Sustainability studies are vital for the long-term development of ecological cities. For cities, single qualitative or quantitative evaluation studies cannot effectively illustrate the ecological and sustainable status of a city. This study employs the emergy–geographic information system (GIS) method to conduct a sustainability evaluation of a city, so as to effectively verify the evaluation results. The emergy method and GIS are both commonly used approaches to address urban issues, but their synergistic effect has rarely been considered, explored, and utilized in urban planning. This study aims to investigate this effect on Hangzhou city through comparative analysis. The results show that rain (geopotential energy) and rain (chemical potential energy) have the highest emergy values from 2000 to 2035, followed by solar emergy, wind emergy, and geothermal heat emergy. These findings are also supported by the GIS map that shows a similar pattern with renewable emergy. Using the five plots (cropland, woodland, grassland, water area, and built-up land) on the GIS map as examples, the accuracy of emergy calculation results for Hangzhou city can be verified, demonstrating the effectiveness of the emergy–GIS methodology. This research provides practical recommendations for city designers and professionals worldwide on urban sustainability. By incorporating both emergy and GIS methods, cities can make informed decisions toward achieving environmentally sustainable development.


XJTLU Urban and Environmental Studies University Research Centre




Building and Construction,Civil and Structural Engineering,Architecture








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