1. College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
This paper investigates a method for improving the selection of seismic motions for designing earthquake-resistant underground structures. It is found that PGV alone is unreliable as a predictor of structural damage with increasing earthquake intensity. Therefore, based on characterizing seismic intensity by using PGV, another parameter, referred to here as “the severest parameter”, is introduced to distinguish potential damage capacity for different seismic motions. A numerical model of a soil–underground structure system was established using the finite element software OpenSees. A total of 120 real ground motions were selected for the model, considering the influences of eight different site groups on the underground station and the rupture distances of the input seismic motions. The results show that as seismic intensity increases, substantial variability in the response of underground structures emerges under the same amplitude of PGV, diminishing the effectiveness of the relationship between PGV and structural damage. When assessing the potential damage capacity of seismic motions with similar or close amplitudes of PGV, VSI is an appropriate severest parameter for Class III sites and ASI is suitable for Class II sites. When the correlation coefficient between the severest parameter and the structural response is greater than 0.8, it can be used to reliably assess seismic damage capacity based on the size of the severest parameter.