Oral Excretion Kinetics of Food-Additive Silicon Dioxides and Their Effect on In Vivo Macrophage Activation


Kwon Ri-Ye1,Youn Su-Min1,Choi Soo-Jin1ORCID


1. Division of Applied Food System, Major of Food Science & Technology, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul 01797, Republic of Korea


A food additive, silicon dioxide (SiO2) is commonly used in the food industry as an anti-caking agent. The presence of nanoparticles (NPs) in commercial food-grade SiO2 has raised concerns regarding their potential toxicity related to nano size. While recent studies have demonstrated the oral absorption and tissue distribution of food-additive SiO2 particles, limited information is available about their excretion behaviors and potential impact on macrophage activation. In this study, the excretion kinetics of two differently manufactured (fumed and precipitated) SiO2 particles were evaluated following repeated oral administration to rats for 28 d. The excretion fate of their intact particles, decomposed forms, or ionic forms was investigated in feces and urine, respectively. Monocyte uptake, Kupffer cell activation, and cytokine release were assessed after the oral administration of SiO2 particles. Additionally, their intracellular fates were determined in Raw 264.7 cells. The results revealed that the majority of SiO2 particles were not absorbed but directly excreted via feces in intact particle forms. Only a small portion of SiO2 was eliminated via urine, predominantly in the form of bioconverted silicic acid and slightly decomposed ionic forms. SiO2 particles were mainly present in particle forms inside cells, followed by ionic and silicic acid forms, indicating their slow conversion into silicic acid after cellular uptake. No effects of the manufacturing method were observed on excretion and fates. Moreover, no in vivo monocyte uptake, Kupffer cell polarization, or cytokine release were induced by orally administered SiO2 particles. These finding contribute to understanding the oral toxicokinetics of food-additive SiO2 and provide valuable insights into its potential toxicity.


Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

National Research Foundation of Korea

Seoul Women’s University




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis

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