In Vitro Functionality and Endurance of GMP-Compliant Point-of-Care BCMA.CAR-T Cells at Different Timepoints of Cryopreservation


Jiang Genqiao1,Neuber Brigitte1,Hückelhoven-Krauss Angela1,Höpken Uta E.2,Ding Yuntian1,Sedloev David1,Wang Lei1,Reichman Avinoam1,Eberhardt Franziska1,Wermke Martin3,Rehm Armin2,Müller-Tidow Carsten1,Schmitt Anita1,Schmitt Michael1ORCID


1. Department of Internal Medicine V, University Clinic Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

2. Department of Translational Tumor Immunology, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), 13125 Berlin, Germany

3. Early Clinical Trial Unit (ECTU), Medical Clinic and Poliklinik I, Carl Gustav Carus University, 01307 Dresden, Germany


The search for target antigens for CAR-T cell therapy against multiple myeloma defined the B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) as an interesting candidate. Several studies with BCMA-directed CAR-T cell therapy showed promising results. Second-generation point-of-care BCMA.CAR-T cells were manufactured to be of a GMP (good manufacturing practice) standard using the CliniMACS Prodigy® device. Cytokine release in BCMA.CAR-T cells after stimulation with BCMA positive versus negative myeloma cell lines, U266/HL60, was assessed via intracellular staining and flow cytometry. The short-term cytotoxic potency of CAR-T cells was evaluated by chromium-51 release, while the long-term potency used co-culture (3 days/round) at effector/target cell ratios of 1:1 and 1:4. To evaluate the activation and exhaustion of CAR-T cells, exhaustion markers were assessed via flow cytometry. Stability was tested through a comparison of these evaluations at different timepoints: d0 as well as d + 14, d + 90 and d + 365 of cryopreservation. As results, (1) Killing efficiency of U266 cells correlated with the dose of CAR-T cells in a classical 4 h chromium-release assay. There was no significant difference after cryopreservation on different timepoints. (2) In terms of endurance of BCMA.CAR-T cell function, BCMA.CAR-T cells kept their ability to kill all tumor cells over six rounds of co-culture. (3) BCMA.CAR-T cells released high amounts of cytokines upon stimulation with tumor cells. There was no significant difference in cytokine release after cryopreservation. According to the results, BCMA.CAR-T cells manufactured under GMP conditions exerted robust and specific killing of target tumor cells with a high release of cytokines. Even after 1 year of cryopreservation, cytotoxic functions were maintained at the same level. This gives clinicians sufficient time to adjust the timepoint of BCMA.CAR-T cell application to the patient’s course of the underlying disease.


German Cancer Research Center









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