Effects of Road Slope and Vehicle Weight on Truck Fuel Consumption


Posada-Henao John JairoORCID,Sarmiento-Ordosgoitia IvánORCID,Correa-Espinal Alexánder A.ORCID


In this paper, we developed truck fuel consumption models for the particular assistance of professionals in charge of road project valuation in terms of predicting fuel used by trucks, which is an important topic on vehicle operating costs to be considered in the benefit–cost analysis of road projects. On the other hand, fuel consumption has a direct impact on emissions to the atmosphere, and thus future research can be conducted regarding estimations about emissions by trucks. In this research, we identified the effect of overall vehicle weight on truck fuel consumption in a free-flow regime. The methodology includes the design of experiments and factorial design as statistical techniques to obtain data, as well as linear and non-linear regressions to obtain models for two types of trucks: rigid (three axles) and articulated (six axles). Notably, there is no evidence of research previously conducted on the latter. We used statistical methods for the selection of trucks, equipment, road segments, and other aspects, obtaining good control in tests verifying the appropriate values for factors according to the planned ones. The results satisfy the expectations of the research, and it was demonstrated that the vehicle weight and roadway slope were significantly more important than speed alone, which was typically considered the main variable in other studies. On the other hand, longitudinal slopes higher than 5% were found to not be suitable for freight road corridors. It is recommended that 6-axle trucks instead of 3-axle trucks be used for a 16 t amount of cargo transported on a plain road (longitudinal slope under 3%). The HDM-4 model did not represent fuel consumption adequately for the current vehicle fleet operating on roads. Fuel consumption models must be updated, for instance, every 10 years, such that they can adapt to vehicle technological advances and the energetic improvement of fuels, including the proportion of biofuels and gas.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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