Potential of Assistive Robots in Clinical Nursing: An Observational Study of Nurses’ Transportation Tasks in Rural Clinics of Bavaria, Germany


Sommer Domenic1ORCID,Kasbauer Jakob1ORCID,Jakob Dietmar1ORCID,Schmidt Sebastian1ORCID,Wahl Florian1ORCID


1. Technology Campus Grafenau, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, 94481 Grafenau, Germany


Transportation tasks in nursing are common, often overlooked, and directly impact patient care time in the context of staff shortages and an aging society. Current studies lack a specific focus on transportation tasks, a gap our research aims to fill. By providing detailed data on transportation needs in nursing, our study establishes a crucial foundation for the development and integration of assistive robots in clinical settings. In July and September 2023, we conducted weekly observations of nurses to assess clinical transportation needs. We aim to understand the economic impact and the methods nurses use for transportation tasks. We conducted a participant observation using a standardized app-based form over a seven-day observation period in two rural clinics. N = 1830 transports were made by nurses and examined by descriptive analysis. Non-medical supplies account for 27.05% (n = 495) of all transports, followed by medical supplies at 17.32% (n = 317), pharmacotherapy at 14.10% (n = 258) and other other categories like meals or drinks contributing 12.68% (n = 232). Most transports had a factual transport time of under a minute, with patient transport and lab samples displaying more variability. In total, 77.15% of all transports were made by hand. Requirements to collect items or connect transports with patient care were included in 5% of all transports. Our economic evaluation highlighted meals as the most costly transport, with 9596.16 € per year in the observed clinics. Budget-friendly robots would amortize these costs over one year by transporting meals. We support understanding nurses’ transportation needs via further research on assistive robots to validate our findings and determine the feasibility of transport robots.


German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport




General Nursing

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