HPoC: A Lightweight Blockchain Consensus Design for the IoT


Nie ZixiangORCID,Zhang MaoshengORCID,Lu Yueming


The research topics of this paper are the data security of the edge devices and terminals of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the consensus design of a lightweight blockchain for the Internet of Things. These devices have self-organization capabilities to overcome the bandwidth delay and service-congestion problems caused by excessive concentration in existing scenarios, but they face the challenges of limited computing, storage, and communication resources. As a result, a non- financial lightweight blockchain consensus design with low energy consumption, low latency, and greater stability should be investigated. We propose a hierarchical proof-of-capability (HPoC) consensus mechanism combined with the asynchronous proof-of-work (PoW) mechanism for improving the computing capacity, storage capacity, and communication capacity of IoT edge devices that can generate blocks with low latency, low power consumption, and strong stability in resource-constrained edge device nodes, while ensuring that the security of the edge devices is enhanced asynchronously. We simulated a smart-home scenario, with the number of device nodes ranging from 15 to 75, and conducted comparative experiments between HPoC and PoW based on different difficulty bits. The experimental results showed that HPoC is a consensus mechanism with scalability and stability that can flexibly adjust time consumption and accurately select nodes with strong capabilities to generate blocks in heterogeneous devices.


This work was supported by Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China.




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

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