Karwowskiite, Ca9(Fe2+0.5□0.5)Mg(PO4)7—A New Merrillite Group Mineral from Paralava of the Hatrurim Complex, Daba-Siwaqa, Jordan


Galuskin Evgeny V.1ORCID,Galuskina Irina O.1ORCID,Kusz Joachim2ORCID,Książek Maria2ORCID,Vapnik Yevgeny3,Zieliński Grzegorz4


1. Institute of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Silesia, Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland

2. Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Silesia, 75. Pułku Piechoty 1, 41-500 Chorzów, Poland

3. Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

4. Polish Geological Institute–National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland


Crystals of karwowskiite, Ca9Mg(Fe2+0.5□0.5)(PO4)7, a new mineral of the merrillite group, were found on an amygdule wall in the central part of an anorthite–tridymite–diopside paralava of the Hatrurim Complex, Daba-Siwaqa, Jordan. The amygdule was filled with a sulfide melt, which after crystallization gave a differentiated nodule, consisting of troilite and pentlandite parts and containing tetrataenite and nickelphosphide inclusions. Karwowskiite crystals are colorless, although sometimes a greenish tint is observed. The mineral has a vitreous luster. The microhardness VHN25 is 365 (12), corresponding to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale. Cleavage is not observed, and fracture is conchoidal. The calculated density is 3.085 g/cm3. Karwowskiite is uniaxial (−): ω = 1.638 (3), ε = 1.622 (3) (λ = 589 nm), and pleochroism is not observed. The composition of karwowskiite is described by the empirical formula: Ca9.00(□0.54Fe2+0.23Mg0.12Na0.04 Sr0.03 Ni0.03K0.01) Σ1.00Mg1.00(PO4)7.02. Karwowskiite is distinct from the known minerals of the merrillite subgroup with the general formula A9XM[TO3(Ø)]7, where A = Ca, Na, Sr, and Y; X = Na, Ca, and □; M = Mg, Fe2+, Fe3+, and Mn; T = P; and Ø = O, in that the X site in it is occupied by Fe2+0.5□0.5. Karwowskiite is trigonal, space group R-3c with a = 10.3375 (2) Å, c = 37.1443 (9) Å, and V = 3437.60 (17) Å3. Karwowskiite crystallizes at temperatures lower than 1100 °C in a thin layer of secondary melt forming on the walls of amygdules and gaseous channels in paralava as a result of contact with heated gases which are by-products of the combustion process.


National Science Centre of Poland










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