Does Immersive Virtual Reality with the Use of 3D Holography Improve Learning the Anatomy of the Heart?: Results of a Preliminary Study


Czaja Joanna1,Skuła Marcin1,Kowalczyk Dariusz1,Redelbach Wojciech1,Hobot Jacek1,Nowak Marta1,Halaba Zenon1,Simka Marian1ORCID


1. Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Opole, 45-040 Opole, Poland


Immersive virtual reality with the use of 3D holography is a new method that is being currently introduced for teaching anatomy, yet the actual educational benefits associated with its use remain unclear. Here, we present our preliminary observations and conclusions after the pilot phase of the study on a 3D holographic human heart. The study was conducted on a group of 96 students of medical faculty. Students were randomly divided into two groups: 57 students who were taught anatomy using traditional methods (plastinated human hearts, anatomical models, and atlases) and 39 students who were taught using 3D holographic hearts. Assessment of knowledge retention of the heart anatomy comprised 3 tests, which were performed 1 week and 3 and 6 months after the classes on heart anatomy. We have found that although anatomical classes with the use of immersive virtual reality were attractive for students; still, unsupervised teaching with the use of 3D holograms was not superior to traditional medical education. Differences between the groups in terms of anatomical knowledge retention were not statistically significant. Results of this pilot study suggest that in order to achieve better knowledge retention and understanding of the anatomy of the heart, classes should be precisely planned and strictly supervised by academic teachers. Moreover, students should get familiar with the use of virtual reality goggles before the classes.









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