On November 8, 2018, a devastating wildfire, known as the Camp Fire wildfire, was reported in Butte County, California, USA. Approximately 88 fatalities ensued, and 18,804 structures were damaged by the wildfire. As a response to this destructive wildfire, this study generated a pre- and post-wildfire maps to provide basic data for evacuation and mitigation planning. This study used Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 imagery to map the pre- and post-wildfire conditions. A support vector machine (SVM) optimized by the imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) hybrid model was compared with the non-optimized SVM algorithm for classification of the pre- and post-wildfire map. The SVM–ICA produced a better accuracy (overall accuracies of 83.8% and 83.6% for pre- and post-wildfire using Landsat-8 respectively; 90.8% and 91.8% for pre- and post-wildfire using Sentinel-2 respectively), compared to SVM without optimization (overall accuracies of 80.0% and 78.9% for pre- and post-wildfire using Landsat-8 respectively; 83.3% and 84.8% for pre- and post-wildfire using Sentinel-2 respectively. In total, eight pre- and post-wildfire burned area maps were generated; these can be used to assess the area affected by the Camp Fire wildfire as well as for wildfire mitigation planning in the future.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
Reference63 articles.
1. Increasing western US forest wildfire activity: sensitivity to changes in the timing of spring
2. BBC Number missing in US fire leaps to 631https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46230927
3. Camp Fire death toll grows to 29, matching 1933 blaze as state’s deadliesthttps://www.eastbaytimes.com/2018/11/11/crews-continue-to-battle-strong-winds-in-deadly-camp-fire/
4. CNBC Deadly California wildfire now 100% contained after scorching 154,000 acreshttps://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/25/deadly-california-wildfire-now-100percent-contained.html
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41 articles.