Active Immune Phenotype in Head and Neck Cancer: Reevaluating the Iso-Effect Fractionation Based on the Linear Quadratic (LQ) Model—A Narrative Review


Mireștean Camil Ciprian12ORCID,Iancu Roxana Irina34,Iancu Dragoș Petru Teodor56


1. Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, 200349 Craiova, Romania

2. Railways Clinical Hospital Iasi, Department of Surgery, 700506 Iași, Romania

3. Faculty of Dental Medicine, Oral Pathology Department, “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 700115 Iași, Romania

4. Department of Clinical Laboratory, “St. Spiridon” Emergency Universitary Hospital, 700111 Iași, Romania

5. Faculty of Medicine, Oncology and Radiotherapy Department, “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 700115 Iași, Romania

6. Regional Institute of Oncology, Department of Radiation Oncology, 700483 Iași, Romania


Altered fractionation concepts and especially moderate hypo-fractionation are evaluated as alternatives to standard treatment for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), associated with or not concurrent with or sequential to chemotherapy. The calculation of the iso-equivalent dose regimens has as its starting point the linear quadratic (LQ) formalism traditionally based on the “4Rs” of radiobiology. The higher rates of therapeutic failure after radiotherapy of HNSCC are associated with the heterogeneity of radio-sensibility. The identification of genetic signatures and radio-resistance scores aims to improve the therapeutic ratio of radiotherapy and to conceptualize personalized fractionation schemes. The new data regarding the involvement of the sixth “R” of radiobiology in HNSCC, especially for the HPV-driven subtype, but also for the “immune active” minority of HPV-negative HNSCCs, bring to the fore a multifactorial variation of the α/β ratio. The involvement of the antitumor immune response and the dose/fractionation/volume factors as well as the therapeutic sequence in the case of new multimodal treatments including immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) could be included as an additional term in the quadratic linear formalism especially for hypo-fractionation regimens. This term should take into account the dual immunomodulatory effect (immunosuppressant and stimulator of antitumor immunity) of radiotherapy, which varies from case to case and can bring benefit or a detrimental effect.



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