The Eigenproblem Translated for Alignment of Molecules


Jäntschi LorentzORCID


Molecular conformation as a subproblem of the geometrical shaping of the molecules is essential for the expression of biological activity. It is well known that from the series of all possible sugars, those that are most naturally occurring and usable by living organisms as a source of energy—because they can be phosphorylated by hexokinase, the first enzyme in the glycolysis pathway—are D-sugars (from the Latin dextro). Furthermore, the most naturally occurring amino acids in living cells are L-sugars (from the Latin laevo). However, a problem arises in dealing with the comparison of their conformers. One alternative way to compare sugars is via their molecular alignment. Here, a solution to the eigenproblem of molecular alignment is communicated. The Cartesian system is rotated, and eventually translated and reflected until the molecule arrives in a position characterized by the highest absolute values of the eigenvalues observed on the Cartesian coordinates. The rotation alone can provide eight alternate positions relative to the reflexes of each coordinate.




Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),General Mathematics,Chemistry (miscellaneous),Computer Science (miscellaneous)

Reference18 articles.

1. On the theorem connected with Newton’s rule for the discovery of imaginary roots of equations;Sylvester;Messenger Math.,1880

2. A solution for the best rotation to relate two sets of vectors

3. A fast new approach to pharmacophore mapping and its application to dopaminergic and benzodiazepine agonists

4. Distance Geometry and Molecular Conformation;Mrippen,1988

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