Multi-Sensor HR Mass Data Models toward Multi-Temporal-Layered Digital Twins: Maintenance, Design and XR Informed Tour of the Multi-Stratified Appian Way (PAAA)


Brumana Raffaella1ORCID,Quilici Simone2,Oliva Luigi2ORCID,Previtali Mattia1ORCID,Gabriele Marzia1ORCID,Stanga Chiara1


1. Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, dABClab GIcarus, Via Ponzio 31, 20133 Milan, Italy

2. Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica, MiC—Ministero della Cultura, Piazza delle Finanze 1, 00185 Roma, Italy


The article provides an overview of the digitisation project conducted by the Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica (PAAA) in Rome, focusing on an 11.7 km section of the Appian Way. This effort is part of the “Appia Regina Viarum” project, supporting the UNESCO heritage site candidacy of the Appian Way. Advanced sensor technologies, including the Mobile Mapping System (MMS), 360° Cameras, Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS), digital cameras, and drones, are employed to collect extensive data sets. The primary goal is to create highly accurate three-dimensional (3D) models for knowledge enhancement, conservation, and communication purposes. Innovative tools are introduced to manage High Resolution 3D textured models, improving maintenance, management, and design processes over traditional CAD methods. The project aims to develop multi-temporal Digital Twins integrated with historical documentation, such as Piranesi’s imaginary views and architect Canina’s monument reconstructions. These informative models function as nodes within the DT, serving the PAAA’s geographic hub by means of an eXtended Reality (XR) platform: the paper proposes bridging the physical object and virtual models, contributing to supporting the operators in the maintenance planning as well as information dissemination and public awareness, offering an immersive experience beyond conventional reality.




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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