1. Universidade de Vigo, ECOEVO LAB, Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal, Campus Universitario A Xunqueira s/n, 36005 Pontevedra, Spain
Freshwater insects are highly significant as ecosystem service providers, contributing to provisioning services, supporting services, and cultural services. Odonates are dominant predators in many freshwater systems, becoming top predators in fishless ecosystems. One service that odonates provide is the export of matter and energy from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we provide a review of the literature aiming to estimate the density, biomass, and secondary production of odonates and discuss to what extent this order of insects is relevant for the fertilization of terrestrial ecosystems. We found published data on 109 species belonging to 17 families of odonates from 44 papers. Odonata larvae are abundant in freshwater systems, with a mean density of 240.04 ± 48.01 individuals m−2 (±SE). Lentic habitats show much higher densities (104.40 ± 55.31 individuals m−2, N = 118) than lotic systems (27.12 ± 5.09, N = 70). The biomass estimations for odonates indicate values of 488.56 ± 134.51 mg m−2 y−1, with similar values in lentic and lotic habitats, which correspond to annual secondary productions of 3558.02 ± 2146.80 mg m−2 y−1. The highest biomass is found in dragonflies of the Aeshnidae, Corduliidae, and Gomphidae families. The available evidence suggests a significant potential contribution of Odonata to the exportation of material from water bodies to land. This is further strengthened by the ability of adult odonates to migrate and to colonize different types of water bodies.