Injury to Southern Highbush Blueberries by Southern Red Mites and Management Using Various Miticides


Lopez LorenaORCID,Liburd Oscar E.ORCID


Reports of severe infestations caused by southern red mites (SRM), Oligonychus ilicis McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae), have increased in recent years in southern highbush blueberries (SHB). Currently, there is little known about the management of tetranychids in SHB, and only two miticides (fenazaquin and fenpyroximate) have recently been labeled for use in SHB. Oligonychus ilicis has caused up to 80%–100% losses in some blueberry plantings, and growers are looking for management tools for this new pest of blueberries. We report on injury to SHB from O. ilicis and the performance of seven miticides used to manage SRM populations, including spiromesifen, spiromesifen plus surfactant, vegetable oil concentrate, fenazaquin, “proprietary miticide” (referred to as Pro1), bifenazate, and fenpyroximate. Miticide efficacy was rated based on the number of SRM recorded on collected leaves and plant damage ratings using an arbitrary index (from 0 = no bronzing to 4 = 100% bronzing). Characteristic symptoms of leaf injury included purple or bronzed leaf color, leaf dryness and roughening. Fenpyroximate significantly reduced mite numbers three days after application. Additionally, plants treated with fenpyroximate or fenazaquin showed significantly less bronzing compared with the control plants. Overall, fenpyroximate and fenazaquin showed the best performance for the management of O. ilicis on SHB.




Insect Science

Reference25 articles.

1. Establishment and production costs for southern highbush blueberry orchards in Florida: Enterprise Budget and Profitability Analysis;Singerman;Food Resour. Econ. Dep. UF/IFAS Ext.,2016

2. Pollen Viability and Vigor in Hybrid Southern Highbush Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L. ×spp.)

3. 2019 Florida blueberry integrated pest management guide;Williamson;Hortic. Sci. Dep. UF/IFAS Ext.,2019

4. Evaluation of Emergence Traps for Monitoring Blueberry Gall Midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Adults and Within Field Distribution of Midge Infestation







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