Spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) are the vectors of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) in Europe. Xf may cause severe epidemics in cultivated plants, including grapevines. To assess the threat represented by the bacterium to grapevines, detailed information on the vectors’ phenology, density, and ecology in vineyards is needed. The aim of the present work was to describe spittlebug diversity, phenology, and host-plant association in the vineyard agroecosystem. Two separate field surveys of nymphal and adult spittlebug populations, i.e., a two-year survey of a single site and a one-year survey of three sites, were performed in vineyards of northwestern Italy in three consecutive years. Philaenus spumarius was the most common species, reaching average nymph densities on herbaceous cover up to 60–130 nymphs/m2. Adults were sampled on grapevines from May to September, with a peak in June (up to 0.43 insects/sweep). Herbaceous cover was colonized after egg hatching and in late summer for oviposition, while wild woody hosts represented a refuge during summer. The results show that spittlebugs can reach high population levels in vineyards, at least in the areas where the ground is covered by herbaceous plants for the whole season and the use of insecticides is moderate. The extended presence of P. spumarius adults on grapevines represents a serious risk factor for the spread of Xf. The scenarios of Xf establishment in vineyards in northwestern Italy and Europe are discussed in relation to the abundance, phenology, and plant association of spittlebugs.
European Food Safety Authority
Fondazione CRT
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16 articles.