Research on Energy Saving Effect of Parallel and Perpendicular Yard Layouts under Different Proportions of Transshipment at the Automated Container Terminal


Li Xiaojun12,Zhou Ran1,Zhu Lequn1


1. Policy Research Center, Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering, M.O.T., Tianjin 300456, China

2. School of Maritime Economics and Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China


The proportions of container transshipment is the key factor in determining the proportion of automated guided vehicle (AGV) and external container truck operations. In terms of parallel and perpendicular layouts of automated container terminals (ACTs), varying proportions of container transshipment result in different proportions of AGVs and external container truck operations, subsequently leading to distinct impacts on energy consumption (EC) for each ACT layout. This paper deemed EC as the primary evaluation criterion, established an EC model encompassing yard cranes (YCs) and container trucks, and investigated the EC of parallel and perpendicular layouts at different proportions of container transshipment. The results indicate that when the proportions of container transshipment were less than 17%, the parallel layout had lower EC; when it was between 17% and 21%, there was not much difference between the two layouts; when it was greater than 21%, the perpendicular layout had lower EC. This conclusion was based on an ideal environment established in this paper. When making decisions, decision makers should use this model as a starting point and adapt it flexibly to the actual situation of the port, in order to arrive at a reasonable and feasible plan.


the National Key Research and Development Program



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