Assessment of the Degree of Factors Impact on Employment in Ukraine’s Agriculture


Patyka NataliiaORCID,Gryschenko OlenaORCID,Kucher AnatoliiORCID,Hełdak MariaORCID,Raszka BeataORCID


Agriculture is an important branch in Ukraine’s economy. The share of agriculture’s GDP in the national economy is more than 10%. The development of agriculture stimulates the development of other sectors in national economy. According to the results of the analysis of the employment dynamics in Ukraine’s agriculture, it was concluded that there was a negative tendency. That is why the aim of the article is to specify the factors of impact on employment in Ukraine’s agriculture and to assess the degree of their influence. To achieve this goal, the different methods were used: system analysis—for determination the factors influencing employment in agriculture; factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, principal components method—for evaluating the impact of various factors on the employment in agriculture of Ukraine. It was found that the most significant social-demographic factors of impact on employment in Ukraine’s agriculture include the total rural population at the age 16–64 and the demand for labor force in agriculture, and the most important economic factor is labor productivity. Determining the factors and measures of their impact on employment will substantiate public policy measures, methods and mechanisms for their implementation to solve employment problems in Ukraine’s agriculture.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development

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