Seasonal Evolution of Stable Thermal Stratification in Central Area of Lake Ladoga


Naumenko Mikhail1,Guzivaty Vadim1


1. Institute of Limnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg 196105, Russia


The complete climatic courses of the parameters of stable thermal stratification for the central part of Lake Ladoga, the largest European lake, are presented on the basis of empirical relationships, taking into account the physical processes governing water temperature variations. For the first time, the seasonal cycle of the surface water temperature, the temperature and the depth of the thermocline, and the hypolimnion temperature are calculated using the vertical profiles of the temperature obtained from the central area of Lake Ladoga. Temperature data are used for the period of in situ observations from 1897 to the present. The proposed functional forms of the temporal temperature cycle and the course of thermocline’s boundaries deepening are useful for examination and simulation of the heat vertical transport from air to water. Approximation curves for the parameters of heating and cooling periods were developed with high significant determination coefficients. Time dependencies of the climatic rates of change in water temperature and the depth of the thermocline boundaries were determined from the onset of stable stratification to its dissipation. The highest rate of water temperature change in the heating stage takes place in late June–early July, which at the water surface, is 0.32 °C/day, while in the thermocline layer, it is 0.18 °C/day. The peak velocity during the cooling stage at the surface occurs in late August–early September and is 0.14 °C/day, whereas in the thermocline, it is 0.08 °C/day and takes place between September and early October. During the period of heating, the deepening parameters of the thermocline layer do not fluctuate very much, only within the range of 0.1–0.3 m/day. During the cooling period, under the influence of free convection, rates increase drastically. The maximum rates of deepening during the period of full autumn mixing reach 1.8 m/day. When the autumn overturn occurs, the epilimnion thickness equals the bottom depth, and the bottom temperature reaches its maximum during the annual cycle. Climatic norms of the stratification parameters against which it is necessary to assess climate change are calculated.


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Water Science and Technology,Ecology,Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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