1. Department of Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography and Applied Physics, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (INCDTIM), 67-103 Donat Street, 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2. Cetatea, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (INCDTIM), 67-103 Donat Street, 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3. Electron Microscopy Center “Prof. C. Crăciun”, Faculty of Biology & Geology, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, 5-7 Clinicilor Street, 400006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
4. Electron Microscopy Integrated Laboratory, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 67-103 Donat Street, 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
5. Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Regina Elisabeta, no. 4-12, 030018 Bucharest, Romania
6. Horia Hulubei National Institute of Research and Development for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, 30 Reactorului Str., 077125 Magurele, Romania