Quantifying Impact, Uncovering Trends: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Shadow Banking and Financial Contagion Dynamics


Nica Ionuț1ORCID,Delcea Camelia1ORCID,Chiriță Nora1ORCID,Ionescu Ștefan1ORCID


1. Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 0105552 Bucharest, Romania


This study describes a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of shadow banking and financial contagion dynamics from 1996 to 2022. Through a holistic approach, our study focuses on quantifying the impact and uncovering significant trends in scientific research related to these interconnected fields. Using advanced bibliometric methods, we explored the global network of publications, identifying key works, influential authors, and the evolution of research over time. The results of the bibliometric analysis have highlighted an annual growth rate of 22.05% in publications related to the topics of shadow banking and financial contagion, illustrating researchers’ interest and the dynamic nature of publications over time. Additionally, significant increases in scientific production have been recorded in recent years, reaching a total of 178 articles published in 2022. The most predominant keywords used in research include “systemic risks”, “risk assessment”, and “measuring systemic risk”. The thematic evolution has revealed that over time, the focus on fundamental concepts used in analyzing these two topics has shifted, considering technological advancements and disruptive events that have impacted the economic and financial system. Our findings provide a detailed insight into the progress, gaps, and future directions in understanding the complex interplay of shadow banking and financial contagion. Our study represents a valuable asset for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with a keen interest in understanding the dynamics of these critical components within the global financial system.



Reference85 articles.

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