1. R&D Laboratory, Diagnosticum Zrt., H-1047 Budapest, Hungary
Physical modeling of the functioning of the adaptive immune system, which has been thoroughly characterized on genetic and molecular levels, provides a unique opportunity to define an adaptive, self-organizing biological system in its entirety. This paper describes a configuration space model of immune function, where directed chemical potentials of the system constitute a space of interactions. A mathematical approach is used to define the system that couples the variance of Gaussian distributed interaction energies in its interaction space to the exponentially distributed chemical potentials of its effector molecules to maintain its steady state. The model is validated by identifying the thermodynamic and network variables analogous to the mathematical parameters and by applying the model to the humoral immune system. Overall, this statistical thermodynamics model of adaptive immunity describes how adaptive biological self-organization arises from the maintenance of a scale-free, directed molecular interaction network with fractal topology.