A Gene-Based Algorithm for Identifying Factors That May Affect a Speaker’s Voice


Singh Rita1


1. Center for Voice Intelligence and Security, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA


Over the past decades, many machine-learning- and artificial-intelligence-based technologies have been created to deduce biometric or bio-relevant parameters of speakers from their voice. These voice profiling technologies have targeted a wide range of parameters, from diseases to environmental factors, based largely on the fact that they are known to influence voice. Recently, some have also explored the prediction of parameters whose influence on voice is not easily observable through data-opportunistic biomarker discovery techniques. However, given the enormous range of factors that can possibly influence voice, more informed methods for selecting those that may be potentially deducible from voice are needed. To this end, this paper proposes a simple path-finding algorithm that attempts to find links between vocal characteristics and perturbing factors using cytogenetic and genomic data. The links represent reasonable selection criteria for use by computational by profiling technologies only, and are not intended to establish any unknown biological facts. The proposed algorithm is validated using a simple example from medical literature—that of the clinically observed effects of specific chromosomal microdeletion syndromes on the vocal characteristics of affected people. In this example, the algorithm attempts to link the genes involved in these syndromes to a single example gene (FOXP2) that is known to play a broad role in voice production. We show that in cases where strong links are exposed, vocal characteristics of the patients are indeed reported to be correspondingly affected. Validation experiments and subsequent analyses confirm that the methodology could be potentially useful in predicting the existence of vocal signatures in naïve cases where their existence has not been otherwise observed.


U.S. Army Research Office and the U.S. Army Futures Command




General Physics and Astronomy

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