Opportunities for Regulatory Authorities to Assess Animal-Based Measures at the Slaughterhouse Using Sensor Technology and Artificial Intelligence: A Review


Voogt Annika M.1ORCID,Schrijver Remco S.1,Temürhan Mine1ORCID,Bongers Johan H.1,Sijm Dick T. H. M.1ORCID


1. Office for Risk Assessment & Research (BuRO), Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), P.O. Box 43006, 3540 AA Utrecht, The Netherlands


Animal-based measures (ABMs) are the preferred way to assess animal welfare. However, manual scoring of ABMs is very time-consuming during the meat inspection. Automatic scoring by using sensor technology and artificial intelligence (AI) may bring a solution. Based on review papers an overview was made of ABMs recorded at the slaughterhouse for poultry, pigs and cattle and applications of sensor technology to measure the identified ABMs. Also, relevant legislation and work instructions of the Dutch Regulatory Authority (RA) were scanned on applied ABMs. Applications of sensor technology in a research setting, on farm or at the slaughterhouse were reported for 10 of the 37 ABMs identified for poultry, 4 of 32 for cattle and 13 of 41 for pigs. Several applications are related to aspects of meat inspection. However, by European law meat inspection must be performed by an official veterinarian, although there are exceptions for the post mortem inspection of poultry. The examples in this study show that there are opportunities for using sensor technology by the RA to support the inspection and to give more insight into animal welfare risks. The lack of external validation for multiple commercially available systems is a point of attention.




General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

Reference232 articles.

1. CBS (2022, March 09). Vleesproductie; Aantal Slachtingen en Geslacht Gewicht per Diersoort. Available online: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/nl/dataset/7123slac/table?fromstatweb.

2. NVWA (2021, March 22). Roodvleesbijlage Nieuwe Controleverordening: Gevolgen Voor Keuring en Toezicht. Available online: https://www.nvwa.nl/documenten/export/veterinair/ks-documenten/werkvoorschriften-veterinair-algemeen/roodvleesbijlage-nieuwe-controleverordening-gevolgen-voor-keuring-en-toezicht.

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