Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Optimization Considering Energy Consumption for Hazardous Materials Transportation


Ma Cunrui,Mao Baohua,Xu Qi,Hua Guodong,Zhang Sijia,Zhang Tong


Focusing on the multi-depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP) for hazardous materials transportation, this paper presents a multi-objective optimization model to minimize total transportation energy consumption and transportation risk. A two-stage method (TSM) and hybrid multi-objective genetic algorithm (HMOGA) are then developed to solve the model. The TSM is used to find the set of customer points served by each depot through the global search clustering method considering transportation energy consumption, transportation risk, and depot capacity in the first stage, and to determine the service order of customer points to each depot by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm with the banker method to seek dominant individuals and gather distance to keep evolving the population distribution in the second stage, while with the HMOGA, customer points serviced by the depot and the serviced orders are optimized simultaneously. Finally, by experimenting on two cases with three depots and 20 customer points, the results show that both methods can obtain a Pareto solution set, and the hybrid multi-objective genetic algorithm is able to find better vehicle routes in the whole transportation network. Compared with distance as the optimization objective, when energy consumption is the optimization objective, although distance is slightly increased, the number of vehicles and energy consumption are effectively reduced.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development







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