Brazilian Corn Ethanol Coproducts for Pigs: Feeding Value and Blood Parameters


Corassa Anderson1ORCID,Straub Igor Willian Wrobel1,Sbardella Maicon1ORCID,Ton Ana Paula Silva1ORCID,Kiefer Charles2,Brito Claudson Oliveira3ORCID,Rothmund Vivian Luana1ORCID,Freitas Leonardo Willian1ORCID


1. Agrarian and Environmental Sciences Institute, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Sinop 78.550-000, MT, Brazil

2. Veterinary and Animal Science Department, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande 79.070-900, MS, Brazil

3. Animal Science Department, Federal University of Sergipe, São Cristovão 40.035-530, SE, Brazil


This study aimed to determine the values of net energy (NE), digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) and digestibility coefficients of corn ethanol coproducts produced in Brazil and their effects on the nitrogen balance and blood parameters of pigs. Ten barrows were housed in metabolic study cages for total collection and fed a reference diet (RD) or 800 g/kg RD + 200 g/kg of a coproduct of corn ethanol. Distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), corn bran with solubles (CBS), distiller’s dried grains (DDG) and high-protein distiller’s dried grain (HPDDG) were evaluated. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three repetitions per period, totaling six repetitions per diet. Diets containing the HPDDG had greater DE and ME than those containing CBS and DDGS and greater DE than those containing the DDG (p < 0.05). HPDDG, DDG, CBS and DDGS showed 4498, 3419, 3029 and 3335 kcal/kg DE; 4366, 3305, 2934 and 3214 kcal/kg ME; and 2515, 1938, 1649 and 1725 kcal/kg NE, respectively. Pigs fed diets containing HPDDG and CBS showed greater nitrogen retention efficiency than pigs fed DDGS (p < 0.05). Pigs fed diets containing HPDDG had higher blood urea levels than pigs fed CBS and RD, while triglyceride levels in animals that received the CBS diet were greater than those in animals that received all other diets. The HPDDG had the highest energy levels and the best digestibility coefficients. The chemical composition of coproducts influences the nitrogen balance and circulating levels of urea and triglycerides in pigs.


Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel—Brazil

Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development




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