Maxwell’s Early Unitary View of Electricity and Fluid Mechanics


Tripodi Giulia1,Ruta Giuseppe2ORCID


1. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University “La Sapienza”, 00184 Roma, Italy

2. Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, University “La Sapienza”, 00184 Roma, Italy


In young Maxwell’s eyes, electricity, magnetism and fluid mechanics present analogies that let the first be mathematically grasped in a unitary way similarly to the latter. This entry sketches the first steps of James Clerk Maxwell’s unitary view of electromagnetism and fluid mechanics, with long-lasting effects on understanding the physical world. In his very first paper on the subject, Maxwell interpreted Faraday’s concept of lines of force of both electricity and magnetism as filaments of a flowing fluid. That is, Maxwell suggested to unify the previously distinct fields of electricity and magnetism, considering them as different aspects of the same entity, the ‘electromagnetic field’, which is mathematically described by four partial differential equations. In the literature there are several comprehensive works on Maxwell’s mature exposition of his theory; however, the aim of this entry contribution is rather more limited. Indeed, it is restricted to examining the contributions of Maxwell’s first paper towards developing the idea of electric current as the motion of an incompressible fluid. Thus, this entry highlights the strong connections of Maxwell’s epistemological view with the ‘mechanistic’ approach of the time to every aspect of physical phenomenology. For this purpose, this entry mentions some historical context surrounding the emergence of Maxwell’s innovative concepts.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference29 articles.

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5. Campbell, L., and Garnett, W. (1882). The Life of James Clerk Maxwell…, MacMillan and Co.







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