The Management of Polymer and Biodegradable Composite Waste in Relation to Petroleum-Based Thermoplastic Polymer Waste—In Terms of Energy Consumption and Processability


Stachowiak Tomasz,Łukasik Katarzyna


The article presents a comparative analysis of the flow and utilisation of biodegradable polymer waste in relation to the waste of petroleum-based thermoplastic polymers. It compares energy expenditures and the costs of the reutilisation of both types of plastics in industrial applications. The performed studies and an analysis of the yielded results enabled the acquisition of real data involving the subject of managing petroleum-based plastic waste after the end of its life cycle, as well as biodegradable plastic waste, over the recent years, which is the main purpose of the study. So far, this subject has not been analysed very frequently, and, considering climate change, the predatory economy and the growing population of our planet, it is becoming an important topic, within the scope of which it is necessary to develop a new approach and new solutions regarding legal regulations and social awareness, as well as the technological possibilities of their implementation. The authors’ own research will indicate factual results related to managing various types of waste, based on the example of data acquired from a company involved in the retreatment of plastics and give answers to bothering questions such as: Is there an impact of retreatment on technological indicators defined by means of the mass flow rate? Is the retreatment of biodegradable plastics justified in terms of economy, energy and ecology? Is the retreatment of biodegradable plastics efficient?




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference46 articles.

1. Guidelines for National Waste Management Strategies. Moving from Challenges Opportunities

2. Art. 11 and 191–193 Traktatu o Funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej (The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). Version from EUR-Lex dated 01/03/2020, Lisbon, Portugal

3. Energy and environmental assessment of residual bio-wastes management strategies

4. What a Waste: A Global Review of Solid Waste Management

5. Waste Mismanagement in Developing Countries: A Review of Global Issues







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