Non-Fungible Tokens and Select Art Law Considerations


Ekinci Zeynep1ORCID


1. Independent Researcher, 34349 İstanbul, Turkey


Since 2021, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been a popular topic which has kindled the interest of art and technology enthusiasts and professionals. Some had very high expectations for the potential of NFTs, and in some cases, made an assessment for NFTs that go beyond the existing limits of NFTs. There have also been others who approached NFTs suspiciously and in some cases, described them as a hoax. The purpose of this study is to examine the important effects of NFTs on the art world and art law, and to consider NFTs’ current and potential impacts. In this context, this article first provides an introduction to NFTs and why the author finds it interesting to think about legal issues surrounding NFTs. After providing definitions of non-fungible tokens and highlighting technical aspects of NFTs, the article then discusses select legal issues surrounding NFTs, such as the importance of legal terms and conditions of an NFT purchase, legal qualifications of NFTs, artwork ownership, artwork authenticity, artwork provenance and intermediary liability for NFT sales. One of the aims of this study is to put forward clearly what should be expected of non-fungible tokens and their potential. Another objective is to underline the fact that the unique dynamics of the art world necessitate having a unique perspective for legal matters relating to them, which is satisfied with art law and its professionals. Ultimately, this paper aims to contribute to having a more comprehensive understanding of non-fungible tokens and their impact on the art world and surrounding legal questions.




General Materials Science

Reference78 articles.

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