Activation-Inhibition Coordination in Neuron, Brain, and Behavior Sequencing/Organization: Implications for Laterality and Lateralization


Young GeraldORCID


Activation-inhibition coordination is considered a dynamic process that functions as a common mechanism in the synchronization and functioning of neurons, brain, behavior, and their sequencing/organization, including over these different scales. The concept has broad applicability, for example, in applications to maladaptivity/atypicality. Young developed the hypothesis to help explain the efficacy of right-hand reaching to grasp in 1-month-olds, a study that implicated that the left hemisphere is specialized for activation-inhibition coordination. This underlying left-hemisphere function, noted to characterize the left hemisphere right from birth, can explain equally its language and fine motor skills, for example. The right hemisphere appears specialized for less complex inhibitory skills, such as outright damping/inhibition. The hypotheses related to inhibition and hemispheric specialization that appear in the literature typically refer to right hemisphere skills in these regards. The research to present also refers to excitation/inhibition balance/ratio in synaptic function, but not to coordination in the sense described here. Furthermore, it refers to the inhibitory function widely in neuronal networks. The paper presents a comprehensive literature review, framing the research in terms of the proposed concept. Further, the paper presents a broad model of activation-inhibition coordination that can help better understand neuron, brain, and behavior, generally, and left hemisphere specialization, specifically.




Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),General Mathematics,Chemistry (miscellaneous),Computer Science (miscellaneous)

Reference80 articles.

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