Effects of Aerosols as Ice Nuclei on the Dynamics, Microphysics and Precipitation of Severe Storm Clouds


Yang Huiling,Xiao Hui,Guo Chunwei


The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) is used to investigate the effect of aerosols acting as ice nuclei (IN) on the formation and growth of hydrometeor particles as well as on the dynamics and precipitation of a severe storm in Northern China. The focus of this study is to determine how the overall dynamics and microphysical structure of deep convective clouds are influenced if IN concentrations are somehow altered in a storm environment that is otherwise unchanged. Ice mixing ratios tend to increase and liquid mixing ratios tend to decrease with increasing IN concentrations. High concentrations of IN reduce the mean hail diameter and hail particles with smaller diameters melt more easily, which leads to a decrease in ground hailfall and an increase in surface rainfall. Liquid water plays a more important role in the process of hail formation, while the role of ice particles in the process of hail formation decreases with higher IN concentrations. The role of small cloud droplets in the formation of raindrops is increased and the role of hail melting in the process of raindrops formation is weakened with enhanced IN concentrations. Both latent heat release and absorption significantly increase with increasing IN concentrations. Increasing the concentration of IN by an appropriate amount is beneficial for increasing the total water content and strengthening the updraft, leading to enhancement of a storm, but excessive IN concentrations will inhibit the development of a storm.




Atmospheric Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)

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