1. Energy Efficient Buildingshttps://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/buildings
2. Future-Proof Buildings for all Europeans—A Guide to Implement the Energy Performance of Buildings Directivehttp://bpie.eu/publication/a-guide-to-implementing-the-energy-performance-of-buildings-directive/
3. Energy Efficient Buildings: Europe. Energy Efficient HVAC, Lighting, Insulation and Glazing, Building Controls, and Energy Service Companies: Market Analysis and Forecasts;Ulterino,2014
4. Fostering Public Capacity to Plan, Finance and Manage Integrated Urban REGeneration for Sustainable Energy Uptakehttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/649846
5. A Renovation Wave for Europe—Greening Our Buildings, Creating Jobs, Improving Lives,2020