Development of Visible Multi−Bandpass Filter Based on F−P Structure


Jiang Hongyan1,Fan Rongwei1,Ji Yiqin12,Guo Kai3,Xiong Shifu4,Sun Bing5,Zhang Chen2,Wang Xing1,Chen Deying1


1. National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150080, China

2. Tianjin Jinhang Technical Physics Institute, Tianjin 300080, China

3. Optoelectric Component Research and Development Center, Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100094, China

4. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Functional Crystal Materials, Institute of Functional Crystals, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China

5. Academy of Opto−Electronics, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Tianjin 300308, China


In order to reduce the noise interference of smart wearable devices, spectral filtering technology is used to suppress noise. This technology prevents interference signals from entering the detector from the source, thereby achieving high−precision noise reduction processing. According to the system requirements, a multi−bandpass filter with a wavelength range of 400~1000 nm was designed and prepared on a BK7 substrate. Ta2O5 and SiO2 were selected as the high− and low−refractive−index materials, respectively. By analyzing the −Fabry–Perot narrowband theory, the bandwidth matching coefficient was computed, and the interference order was calculated using the interval of the transmission peak wavelengths. Multiple F−P coating systems were connected through the matching layer to adjust the position of the transmission peak and broaden the bandwidth range. The design was optimized using Macloed film system design software, resulting in the design of a wide half−wave and cutoff multi−bandpass filter. The appropriate preparation process was chosen based on changes in refractive index, surface roughness, and the temperature gradient of the materials. The filter was then produced using Leybold SYRUSpro1110. Sensitivity, filter roughness, and the weak absorption of the film system were tested, and the results met the system requirements.


National Natural Science Foundation of China




Materials Chemistry,Surfaces, Coatings and Films,Surfaces and Interfaces







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