The Historical Aspect of the Impact of Zn and Pb Ore Mining and Land Use on Ecohydrological Changes in the Area of the Biała Przemsza Valley (Southern Poland)


Różkowski Kazimierz1ORCID,Różkowski Jacek2ORCID,Rahmonov Oimahmad2ORCID


1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Krakow, al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

2. Institute of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland


The article presents the impact of Zn and Pb ore mining and land use on ecohydrological changes in the area of the Biała Przemsza valley in the historical aspect, with particular emphasis on the period 1941–2021. GIS was used to analyse the maps to identify spatial and temporal changes in land use. The following trends could be observed in the spatial development of the Biała Przemsza valley: rapid urbanisation and industrialisation in the 21st century, marked reduction in the surface area of arable land and sands, and dynamics of the increase in the surface area occupied by forests. Notable changes occurred in the plant ecosystems between 1941 and 2021 due to land management. Groundwater level lowering due to mining activity resulted in the change from wet meadows to fresh or dry xerothermic grasslands, while forest cover increased by 4% within the catchment area. The hydrographic network evolved. After the commissioning of the Zn-Pb ore mines Olkusz and Pomorzany in the 1960s and 1970s, a regional depression cone with an area of 400 km2 was formed, while the maximum groundwater inflows to the mines reached 360 m3/min. Changes in the hydrodynamic conditions have resulted in changes in the hydrogeochemical regime of the Triassic aquifer manifested by increased levels of, e.g., SO4 and Cl. Wastewater with lignosulphonate compounds from the paper factory caused periodic degradation of some of the water flowing into the Pomorzany mine. As a result of mining activity, the character of some sections of the Biała Przemsza river changed to an infiltrating one, the quantitative depletion of groundwater resources within the range of the mine drainage cone occurred, river springs disappeared, and the flow in the river decreased. At the same time, mine water was discharged to the tributaries of the Biała Przemsza. A radical reduction in the flow of the Biała Przemsza and its tributaries occurred after the decommissioning of the Zn-Pb ore mines at the turn of 2021 and 2022.




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology,Global and Planetary Change

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