A Portable Sign Language Collection and Translation Platform with Smart Watches Using a BLSTM-Based Multi-Feature Framework


Zhou ZhenxingORCID,Tam Vincent W. L.ORCID,Lam Edmund Y.ORCID


Continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) using different types of sensors to precisely recognize sign language in real time is a very challenging but important research direction in sensor technology. Many previous methods are vision-based, with computationally intensive algorithms to process a large number of image/video frames possibly contaminated with noises, which can result in a large translation delay. On the other hand, gesture-based CSLR relying on hand movement data captured on wearable devices may require less computation resources and translation time. Thus, it is more efficient to provide instant translation during real-world communication. However, the insufficient amount of information provided by the wearable sensors often affect the overall performance of this system. To tackle this issue, we propose a bidirectional long short-term memory (BLSTM)-based multi-feature framework for conducting gesture-based CSLR precisely with two smart watches. In this framework, multiple sets of input features are extracted from the collected gesture data to provide a diverse spectrum of valuable information to the underlying BLSTM model for CSLR. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we test it on an extremely challenging and radically new dataset of Hong Kong sign language (HKSL), in which hand movement data are collected from 6 individual signers for 50 different sentences. The experimental results reveal that the proposed framework attains a much lower word error rate compared with other existing machine learning or deep learning approaches for gesture-based CSLR. Based on this framework, we further propose a portable sign language collection and translation platform, which can simplify the procedure of collecting gesture-based sign language dataset and recognize sign language through smart watch data in real time, in order to break the communication barrier for the sign language users.




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering

Reference49 articles.

1. Real-time American Sign Language recognition from video using hidden Markov models

2. Modality Combination Techniques for Continuous Sign Language Recognition;Forster,2013

3. A Novel Sign Language Recognition Framework Using Hierarchical Grassmann Covariance Matrix

4. Fully Convolutional Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition;Cheng;arXiv,2020

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