High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperatures Derived from Landsat 8: A Study of Submesoscale Frontal Structures on the Pacific Shelf off the Hokkaido Coast, Japan


Kuroda HiroshiORCID,Toya Yuko


Coastal and offshore waters are generally separated by a barrier or “ocean front” on the continental shelf. A basic question arises as to what the representative spatial scale across the front may be. To answer this question, we simply corrected skin sea surface temperatures (SSTs) estimated from Landsat 8 imagery with a resolution of 100 m using skin SSTs estimated from geostationary meteorological satellite Himawari 8 with a resolution of 2 km. We analyzed snapshot images of skin SSTs on 13 October 2016, when we performed a simultaneous ship survey. We focused in particular on submesoscale thermal fronts on the Pacific shelf off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan. The overall spatial distribution of skin SSTs was consistent between Landsat 8 and Himawari 8; however, the spatial distribution of horizontal gradients of skin SSTs differed greatly between the two datasets. Some parts of strong fronts on the order of 1 °C km−1 were underestimated with Himawari 8, mainly because of low resolution, whereas weak fronts on the order of 0.1 °C km−1 were obscured in the Landsat 8 imagery because the signal-to-noise ratios were low. The widths of the strong fronts were estimated to be 114–461 m via Landsat 8 imagery and 539–1050 m via in situ ship survey. The difference was probably attributable to the difference in measurement depth of the SST, i.e., about 10-μm skin layer by satellite and a few dozen centimeters below the sea surface by the in situ survey. Our results indicated that an ocean model with a grid size of no more than ≤100–200 m is essential for realistic simulation of the frontal structure on the shelf.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences

Reference63 articles.

1. Overview of the NOAA/NASA advanced very high resolution radiometer Pathfinder algorithm for sea surface temperature and associated matchup database

2. Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century

3. The NCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis project;Kalnay;Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc.,1996

4. A multi-decadal daily sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration data set for the ERA-40 Reanalysis;Fiorino,2004








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